Gynecologic care is important for women of all ages. Yearly examinations are augmented by the latest medical techniques and technologies available. We offer the following services and procedures in-office:
- Annual exam/pap smear
- Menstrual disorder treatment (irregular bleeding, heavy bleeding, etc.)
- Infertility treatment
- Birth control and birth control education
- Urinary tract infection treatment
- Ovarian cyst treatment
- Treatment of premenopausal/menopausal symptoms
- Care for sexually transmitted diseases
- BRAC analysis for genetic indicators of breast cancer
- Treatment of breast disease
- Endometriosis treatment
- Treatment of vaginal infections (yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, etc.)
In-Office Procedures
- Colposcopy (to evaluate abnormal pap smears)
- Endometrial biopsy (to evaluate abnormal bleeding, diagnose possible uterine cancer or to check menstrual cycle changes)
- Polypectomy
- Endometrial ablations to eliminate heavy periods
- LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure) for abnormal cervical cells
- Intrauterine device (IUD) placement
We take a thorough approach to every pregnancy, which means we are available at every stage from pre-conception counseling and early detection of pregnancy through the post-postpartum period. We offer high-risk pregnancy consultation, management and delivery.
Here's a guide of what to expect throughout your visits:
For every visit, please be prepared to leave a urine sample. Please note that every patient and pregnancy is different and special. Some items may vary per appointment.
First Trimester: Conception to 12 weeks
- For your first visit, we like to see you when you are around 8 weeks pregnant. We will perform an ultrasound for dating purposes and by the end of the first trimester, a fetal heartbeat will be present.
- We will perform a confirmation pregnancy test.
- You will do blood work (a complete OB panel with HIV testing and optional testing for Down's syndrome and other risks).
- We will perform a gynecological exam and complete physical examination with a pap smear.
- You can expect to have visits every month throughout your first trimester and we recommend that you have a list of questions prepared for each visit.
Second Trimester: 12 weeks to 28 weeks
- Your office visits will continue once per month (unless otherwise specified).
- At this time, it's a good idea to pre-register at the hospital for your delivery. The pre-registration packet can be picked up at the front desk upon checkout and completed before your next appointment.
- At around 20 weeks, we will send you to get an ultrasound to evaluate fetal anatomy and gender (if you want).
- Towards the end of your second trimester we will test you for gestational diabetes with a glucose test. This will be done in office.
Third Trimester: 28 weeks to 40 weeks
- Your office visits will change to every two weeks until the last four weeks of your pregnancy; from then until the end, we will see you every week.
- Between 35-37 weeks we will do testing for GBS (group beta strep).
- We will begin checking your cervix (by internal examination) for effacement (thinning) and dilation (opening).
- Around this time we recommend touring the labor and delivery suites at the hospital to familiarize yourself with where your delivery will be taking place. The hospital offers tours Sundays at 2:30 p.m. on a walk-in basis.
- By now, you should also have a good idea of which pediatrician you will choose for your new addition.
- For a normal vaginal delivery we will typically see you 5-6 weeks after delivery. If you have a cesarean section, we will see you at one week and again at 4-5 weeks.
- We will check your cervix, uterus and vagina to see if they have returned back to your pre-pregnancy state.
- This is usually a good appointment to discuss birth control options.
- Please bring a picture of your little bundle of joy to share with the staff! We are very proud of every baby we deliver.